coLAB studio operates as architects producing single-family homes, multi-family, commercial, and institutional buildings; and as artists making studio art, public art, and experimental installations.
Providing thoughtful and balanced projects, whether they are ARCHITECTURE (warm, active, scientific, externalized “Yang” energy) or ART (mysterious, transitioning, sensing, internalized “Yin” energy.)
We utilize Biophilic Design & and Building Science to furnish beauty & function with each project.
We draw from a freelance cohort of repeat collaborators; building and site scientists, biomimicry experts, artists, planners, digital design specialists, and a poet; on a per project-basis.
Our studio has delivered projects up to 85,000 sf and $15 million construction budgets. We have won over 55 major awards including Arizona Firm of the Year by AIA Arizona in 2023.
“The jurors lauded [coLAB studio] as engaged in multiple disciplines as a non-hierarchical studio / collaboration that is artful and curious as a practice engaging in current discussions... Their dedication to build and educate a more sustainable and green environment deserves recognition.”
We strive to be the most environmentally conscious studio in Arizona, having already produced several high-performance, regenerative, and net-zero-energy buildings.
coLAB studio has an action plan for environmental design and practice, which you may read here.
We follow the leadership of the International Living Future Institute; and have additionally signed onto the AIA’s 2030 Commitment to decarbonize the buildings we work on by 2030. We were the first design studio to obtain the Local-First-AZ Green Business Certification in 2020, renewed in 2023.
coLAB studio also has an in-house environmental policy for studio operations, which you may read here.
For more detailed information, please contact us.